Branches. Pixie tricks

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Sprite's secret

Fourteen fairies have escaped into our world, all different, and all capable of causing great harm--and it is up to an eight-year-old girl named Violet and a Pixie Tricker, a fairy called Sprite-of-the-Green-Petals-from-the-Whispering-Woods, to trick them and send them back to their own world.

The pet store sprite

Violet, her cousin Leon, and the Pixie Tricker Sprite have a serious problem: the fairy they are dealing with now is a water sprite named Aquamarina, who is not only messing up plumbing all over town, but has made a home in a fish tank at the pet store, and has turned anyone who sees her into fish--in the water she is powerful so the three fairy-hunters must come up with a way to trick her onto dry land where she can be overcome.
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