Fantastic plants

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Meat-eating Venus flytraps

"Triggering a Venus flytrap to snap its trap takes just two light touches from an insect's wing or a spider's legs. Unlike many plants, the Venus flytrap doesn't just get nutrition from photosynthesis and soil. Readers learn all about how the Venus flytrap draws in bugs to eat, as well as how the plant digests"--Provided by publisher.

Prickly desert cacti

"Deserts aren't home to many plants. Those that live in such dry, hot environments need special adaptations to survive and thrive. Many species of cacti do just that! Readers of this . . . book explore the ways cacti conserve water in their habitat, the features that make them similar and different than other plants, and why they're such vital parts of their ecosystems"--Provided by publisher.

Kelp forests

"Forests can be found all over the world--including underwater! Giant kelp forests grow in coastal waters where the water is so clear that sunlight can reach the sea floor. Kelp can grow more than a foot in a day if the conditions are right, meaning kelp forests spring up quickly! . . . Information about photosynthesis and algae structures supplement readers' knowledge from science class"--Provided by publisher.

Ancient bristlecone pines

"One of the oldest trees on our planet is almost 5,000 years old--a bristlecone pine tree named Methuselah. This . . . book draws readers from the ancient world to the present through the incredible life cycle of this remarkable tree. Its main features, habitat, and more are described in . . . detail, including how it can live such a long time"--Provided by publisher.

Carnivorous pitcher plants

"Plants only make their own food-right? Not pitcher plants! Most pitcher plants draw in insects with their sweet-smelling nectar and slowly digest them. There is one kind of pitcher plant that likes to snack on tree shrews, too. The bizarre eating habits of the pitcher plant are sure to fascinate . . . readers as they learn how this plant's digestive system works, its habitat, and more"--Provided by publisher.

Stinky corpse flowers

"The huge corpse flower rarely blooms, sometimes once every ten years. When it does, it gives off a strong scent--the stink of a rotting corpse! The gross smell has a purpose, as readers of this . . . volume will learn. It has everything to do with a main subject of the elementary science curriculum: pollination. Other science topics covered include plant life cycles and structures"--Provided by publisher.
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