Explore the planet

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Sustainable planet

Sustainability means trying to avoid using up natural resources so as to keep Earth's ecosystems in balance. Some sustainability practices include composting, limiting use of cars and other vehicles that use fossil fuels, and investing in solar power for your home. This title introduces to the main concept of sustainability in an age-appropriate way, including environmental and Earth science topics in the main content. Case studies gives readers relatable examples and tips on how to live more sustainably now and in the future. and how that will impact Earth.

Plastic planet

One of the biggest problems facing Earth today is man-made: plastic. Because this material is so versatile, it became the default for making just about everything for years. From drink cups to toys, plastic is all around us. But very little plastic is recycled, and that which is recycled is done so improperly. Readers may be familiar with bans on plastic bags and other solutions to the plastic problem, but this title takes them a step further in understanding how and why we got into trouble in the first place as well as how people might be able to fix it.

Pandemic planet

The global COVID-19 pandemic feels unprecedented. But, the world has faced pandemics before: the black death, the flu, and antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis. The case studies of these occasions, alongside the COVID-19 pandemic, give readers perspective on how and why pandemics happen. The main content provides age-appropriate detail about how pandemics start, immunity, lockdowns, solutions, and more. This timely title combines history, science, and modern news information for young readers ready to learn and move on from the pandemic.

Extinction planet

Think of all the animals and plants on Earth today. There are millions! But, in the history of Earth there are many more that have gone extinct. In this colorful volume, readers get a crash course in how and why a species may become extinct. Including understandable information about what scientists believe happened when life began, evolution, the dinosaurs, and how all of these plays a role in the ecosystems of today, this book is essential to the young reader's science library.

Recycled planet

The familiar refrain of "recycle, reduce, reuse" has been around for decades. Nonetheless, many people still don't make the effort to follow these principles when disposing of used items or obtaining new ones. This vital volume helps readers understand why recycling is important, how it happens, and the problems that arise during the recycling process. Additionally, it offers age-appropriate solutions readers can begin to implement in their lives and communities right away and long term.

Hot Planet

From problems with agriculture to greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil fuels, scientists know why Earth is heating up. But around the world, many leaders have been slow to make the changes needed to combat climate change. Many kids today are aware of the climate crisis, and this book takes them through the causes of it as well as examples--like wildfires and the melting polar ice--that show how a warmer world climate is harming Earth. Age-appropriate solutions are presented throughout the book, encouraging readers to take charge of the future of Earth in their own way.
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