a reference guide to U.S. involvement in Latin America and the Caribbean
Dent, David W
Examines and analyzes the history of U.S. involvement in twenty-four countries in Latin America and the Caribbean since the Monroe Doctrine of 1823; and includes a timeline of events for each nation, a glossary, comparative charts, and a selection of editorial cartoons.
Chronicles events and developments in Latino history between the Texas Revolution and the Spanish-American War, covering such topics as Manifest Destiny, the gold rush, vaqueros, barrios, Anglo violence, and the U.S.'s control of Cuba.
a history of United States military intervention in Latin America from the Spanish-American War to the invasion of Panama
Musicant, Ivan
A history of the United States military involvement and intervention in Latin America including the countries of Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, and Panama.
Discusses Caribbean history and politics, emphasizing the struggle between western-style democratic values and Marxist-Leninist doctrine and the role of the United States in the Caribbean.