revolution, 1971

Geographic Name
revolution, 1971

The blood telegram

Nixon, Kissinger, and a forgotten genocide
"Presents an account of the involvement of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger in Pakistan's 1970s military dictatorship and argues that they encouraged China's military presence in India, illegally supplied weapons that were used in massacres and embraced military strategies that have negatively impacted geopolitics for decades"--Provided by OCLC.

A golden age

a novel
Rehana Hague, a young widow with two teenage children in East Pakistan in 1971, is forced to make some difficult choices when her happy life is disrupted by the outbreak of the Bangladesh war for independence.

The blood telegram

Nixon, Kissinger, and a forgotten genocide
"Presents an account of the involvement of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger in Pakistan's 1970s military dictatorship and argues that they encouraged China's military presence in India, illegally supplied weapons that were used in massacres and embraced military strategies that have negatively impacted geopolitics for decades"--Provided by OCLC.

East Pakistan

Explores genocide and persecution in East Pakistan, including the historical/cultural background of events leading up to and including the 1971 civil war which resulted in an independent Bangladesh, issues surrounding the civil war including, systematic rape, the status of freedom fighters, the issue of refugees and war crime trials.
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