"Have you ever wondered by pigs roll in the mud? Or if all cows have the same spots? Or why chickens have feathers? Explore this . . . book for answers to questions you'll be glad we asked"--OCLC.
"Ever wondered which insects are considered the skunks of the insect world? Or which insects communite through dance? Or which insects taste with their feet? Explore this . . . book for answers to questions you'll be glad we asked"--Provided by publisher.
"Ever wondered how butterflies get their colors? Or which butterflies avoid predators by tasting bad? Or which body part butterflies use to taste? Explore this . . . book for answers to questions you'll be glad we asked"--Provided by publisher.
"Ever wondered what animals wolves eat? Or how wolves are related to our pet pooches? Explore this . . . book for answers to questions you'll be glad we asked"--OCLC.
"Have you ever wondered which predators swallow their prey whole? Or which ones eat their victims while they're still alive? Explore this . . . book for answers to questions you'll be glad we asked"--OCLC.
"Did you know that ancient Egyptian mummy makers had special tools to extract brains through the nose? Or that before mummies became objects of scientific interest, people used to burn them as fuel? This book provides young readers with answers to these and other questions about mummies"--OCLC.
"Have you ever wondered which ape is the planet's fastest flightless tree-dwelling animal? Or how chimps show each other love? Or which apes use their voices to call out 'songs' to attract a mate? Explore this . . . book for answers to questions you'll be glad we asked"--Amazon.
Provides answers to the questions how high off the ground are baby giraffes born, how do baby zebras recognize their mothers, which safari fathers take care of their babies, and more.