Describes the television show "Fresh Prince of Bel Air," its characters, and the actors who play them, with an emphasis on the popular star Will Smith.
Follows the career of Will Smith, from young rapper to television star to movie superstar, emphasizing his sense of humor, drive, talent, confidence, family relationships, and personal growth.
Presents a brief profile of Hip Hop artist and actor Will Smith; and chronicles his childhood, accomplishments and awards, and success in the entertainment industry.
Highlights the personal life and successful musical and acting career of the Grammy-winning rap singer and star of his own television series and such hit movies as "Independence Day" and "Men in Black.".
Presents a brief profile of Hip Hop artist and actor Will Smith; and chronicles his childhood, accomplishments and awards, and success in the entertainment industry.
Examines the life of actor/singer Will Smith, discussing his family, relationships, and interests, and following his career as a rapper, and television and film star.
Chronicles the life of actor Will Smith, discussing his childhood, schooling, popular television show, music accomplishments, rise to the top of the film industry, marriage, family life, and other related topics.