Tafuri, Nancy

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The brass ring

Being on vacation is even more fun for one who is bigger and can do more things such as ride a bike, float and swim, and buy a carousel ticket.

The donkey's Christmas song

Various animals welcome a new baby born in a stable with their special sounds, but the donkey is afraid that his braying will be too harsh.

Five little chicks

Five chicks and their mother peck in the corn patch in search of breakfast.

Who's counting?

Text and illustrations of a variety of animals introduce the numbers one through ten.

Blue Goose

When Farmer Gray goes away for the day, Blue Goose, Red Hen, Yellow Chick, and White Duck get together and paint their black and white farm.

All year long

Pictures a variety of activities on different days of the week during each month of the year from a Sunday in January to a Saturday in December.

Mama's Little Bears

The Little Bears explore their forest home but never stray too far from their Mama.

Silly little goose!

A goose tries out a few odd places to make her nest before finally settling on an old straw hat.

Will you be my friend?

a bunny and bird story
Bird comes to feel less shy when Bunny helps her rebuild her ruined nest, showing her what a good friend can be.

The big storm

a very soggy counting book
Ten animals find shelter in a hill hollow one by one, but when the storm is over, a rumbling tells them there is still danger afoot.


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