Digital entrepreneurship in the age of apps, the web, and mobile devices

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Increasing your tweets, likes, and ratings

marketing your digital business
Discussing how to market your digital business, including digital marketing, blogging, social media, and mobile marketing.

Going live

launching your digital business
An overview is given of how to design, develop, and launch digital products, including mobile apps, games, websites, and blogs. Understanding the steps needed to create the product, as well as the tools and techniques used during production, will help readers move forward with confidence.

Increasing your tweets, likes, and ratings

marketing your digital business
Explores the role of digital marketing and getting one's product noticed in a competitive market. Digital marketing is the process of using search engines, social media, and mobile devices as part of a strategy to attract and retain customers.

The next big thing

developing your digital business idea
Explains how to develop a concept for a digital product that users will love. In addition, chapters cover practical matters involved in creating a start-up, including evaluating the market, writing a business plan, and protecting one's intellectual property. Stories of real-life teen entrepreneurs enliven the text and inspire the reader.
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