Wilkinson, Colin

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Using math in construction

This book presents readers with real-world examples of how math skills relevant to fifth and sixth grade Common Core Standards are used on the job in construction every day.
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Everything you need to know about digital privacy

An examination of digital privacy, covering related legislation, how to protect personal data, privacy crimes, and more.

Mobile platforms

getting information on the go
An introduction to mobile communication and information technology and devises, such as cell phones, smartphones, laptops, and some of the various downloadable applications.

Twitter and microblogging

instant communication with 140 characters or less
Explains what Twitter and microblogging are and how to create your own Twitter account, and includes the origins of blogging and microblogging, advice on what to write and how to build an audience, and provides rules and etiquette.


playing safe and playing smart
This book celebrates the awe-inspiring experiences, environments, and simulations modern gaming offers as well as the cognitive and developmental benefits they convey.

Going live

launching your digital business
An overview is given of how to design, develop, and launch digital products, including mobile apps, games, websites, and blogs. Understanding the steps needed to create the product, as well as the tools and techniques used during production, will help readers move forward with confidence.

Growing your digital business

expanding your social web
Explains the role of live updates?adding content or fixing problems after the product has launched?in maintaining a business's success. The importance of properly managing finances, company resources, and personnel while expanding is also emphasized.
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