internet software industry

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internet software industry

Website design

Discover what you need to know to get a job in website design.

Speeding the Net

the inside story of Netscape, how it challenged Microsoft and changed the world
History of Netscape, which began with students at the University of Illinois creating the web browser Mosaic and became a billion dollar business enterprise that usurped Microsoft's control of the Internet.

Netscape time

the making of the billion-dollar start-up that took on Microsoft
Chronicles the history of Netscape and discusses how the company was created, what it had to do to avoid being sabotaged by Microsoft, and how it helped increase the world's use of the Internet.

My start-up life

what a (very) young CEO learned on his journey through Silicon Valley
Ben Casnocha discovered he was entrepreneur at age 12 and hasn't slowed down since. In this remarkably instructive book, Ben dissects the entrepreneurship "gene," explaining that everyone has inherited it if they have an idea to make the world a better place. In Casnocha's case, he found a better way for city governments to communicate with constituents on the Web. Six years later, Comcate has dozens of municipal clients, a growing staff, and a record of excellence. This book is the story of his start-up, but also a conversation with his mentors, clients and fellow entrepreneurs about how to make a business idea workand how to have the time of your life trying. From Pat Lencioni to Marc Benioff of, Ben has won over the best and brightest of the business worldnow it's your turn!.

Going live

launching your digital business
An overview is given of how to design, develop, and launch digital products, including mobile apps, games, websites, and blogs. Understanding the steps needed to create the product, as well as the tools and techniques used during production, will help readers move forward with confidence.
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