Wolny, Philip

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Foursquare and other location-based services

checking in, staying safe, & being savvy
Provides information on location-based services including Foursquare, discussing how they work, why they are useful, and how to use them safely.
Cover image of Foursquare and other location-based services

Everything you need about protests and public assembly

A book offering guidance regarding the right to and practice of protest and public assembly.
Cover image of Everything you need about protests and public assembly

Mark "Markiplier" Fischbach

star YouTube gamer with 10 billion+ views
Looks at the life of American YouTuber and video gamer, Mark Edward Fischbach, known online as Markiplier.
Cover image of Mark "Markiplier" Fischbach

Defeating gangs in your neighborhood and online

Provides resources for how to deal with gangs wherever they're found, including avoiding them, keeping friends out of them, and finding resources to stop the violence.
Cover image of Defeating gangs in your neighborhood and online

African American entrepreneurs

stories of success
Starting a business is inherently risky, but it has historically been much harder for African Americans due to the systemic racism they face in many different areas. However, many black entrepreneurs have overcome those barriers to create successful businesses, working harder than their white counterparts to achieve similar results. Readers will learn about the history of discrimination against African Americans in the business world and how it has been and still can be combated. Historical and contemporary photographs and a comprehensive timeline shine a spotlight on many African American entrepreneurs who have changed the world.
Cover image of African American entrepreneurs


Photographs and text describe the laws, equipment, and techniques used by hunters of waterfowl, discussing the importance of hunting and firearm safety, and providing shooting tips and tricks.

Creating electronic graphic organizers

An introduction to electronic graphic organizers that discusses why they are useful, organization, how to find resources online, and how to integrate them into work.

Constructing, using, and interpreting spreadsheets

An introduction to electronic spreadsheets that discusses their development, how they are created, and their practical and everyday uses.

Food supply collapse

Provides information about the world's food supply which is aimed at helping students determine fact from fiction in relation to possible global shortages, and includes suggestions on ways readers can be proactive in order to prevent such an occurrence.


the Ukrainian famine-genocide
Examines the history behind the 1932-1933 famine-genocide inflicted on Ukrainians by Russians that killed upwards of ten million people.


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