History under cover

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Uncovering depots of the Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad was a massive effort by both enslaved and free people in the 19th century to secretly bring thousands to freedom in the North. This thought-provoking volume will fill readers with awe for the brave "conductors" and "passengers" involved with the Railroad. They'll learn about many of the safe havens, called "depots," that housed freedom seekers and the secret passages within them that hid the enslaved from their pursuers. Information about the time and biographies of figures vital to the Underground Railroad reinforce key parts of the elementary social studies curriculum.
Cover image of Uncovering depots of the Underground Railroad

Uncovering the legacy of America's first peoples

"Scientists spend a lot of time trying to learn about the earliest Americans, but much remains unknown. Who were they? When, how, and from where did they enter the land? What is their relationship to modern Native Americans? Anthropologists develop theories to answer these questions based on the evidence they discover. Their theories--and the discoveries that prove and disprove them--are highlighted in this informative volume. Readers will feel like anthropologists and archaeologists themselves as they study photographs and read about bones and artifacts and what they reveal about the ancient cultures that roamed America many thousands of years ago"--Provided by publisher.

Uncovering Great Lakes shipwrecks

For centuries, the Great Lakes have been important channels for shipping and trade. While modern technology and safety measures have made the lakes much safer for ships today, the often-stormy waters have resulted in thousands of shipwrecks throughout history. This captivating book tells the stories of some of these wrecks, such as the Edmund Fitzgerald, Argo, and SS Eastland. Engaging text explains how wrecks are found and what happens after their discovery. Vibrant photographs and informative sidebar information will capture readers' attention and encourage them to learn more about these underwater artifacts.
Cover image of Uncovering Great Lakes shipwrecks
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