Tale vs. truth

Compare Series: 

The three little pigs

Three little pigs leave home and have to deal with a threatening wolf. Includes factual sidebars, discussion of fairy tale traits, and glossary.

Jack and the beanstalk

A boy climbs to the top of a giant beanstalk where he uses his quick wits to outsmart a giant and make his and his mother's fortune. Includes factual sidebars, discussion of fairy tale traits, and glossary.

The three Billy Goats Gruff

"Retells the folktale about three billy goats who trick a troll that lives under the bridge. Includes factual sidebars, discussion of fairy tale traits, and glossary"--Provided by the publisher.

The frog prince

Rebuffed by the princess after retrieving her golden ball, a noble frog sets out to find a more suitable mate. Includes factual sidebars, discussion of fairy tale traits, and glossary.

Goldilocks and the three bears

"A little girl walking in the woods finds the house of three bears and helps herself to their belongings. Includes factual sidebars, discussion of fairy tale traits, and glossary"--Provided by the publisher.

Little Red Riding Hood

A little girl on her way to visit her grandmother meets a hungry wolf in the forest. Includes factual sidebars, discussion of fairy tale traits, and glossary.
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