A collection of short fiction and nonfiction writings from mainstream and alternative American periodicals that features an introduction by Marjane Satrapi and selections from Philip Connors, Nathan Englander, Rivka Galchen, David Grann, and others.
After Will's friend dies and he is beaten by anonymous attackers, he decides to travel around the world with his friend, Hand, share adventurous antics, and give money to poor strangers that they encounter along the way.
Presents twenty-two stories of interest to readers ages fifteen to twenty-five, originally published in magazines, newspapers, and zines in 2001, selected for inclusion by editor Dave Eggers, and includes contributors' notes.
the autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng : a novel
Eggers, Dave
A fictionalized memoir of Valentino Achak Deng, a Sudanese refugee who was forced from his home by the Second Sudanese Civil War and faced many difficulties before coming to the United States.
A collection of American literary pieces including fragments of stories, screenplays, and television scripts. Section one covers topics such as "Best American Fake Headlines;" Best American Excerpt from a Military Blog;" and "Best American Band Names." Section two contains selections such as "The Iraq Constitution," from "The Washington Post;" and the "Kenyon Commencement Speech" by David Foster Wallace.
A collection of both short fiction and nonfiction from mainstream and alternative American periodicals and written by such noted authors as Jhumpa Lahiri, George Saunders, William Langewiesche, and Stephen Elliott.
Mae Holland is thrilled to be working for the most powerful internet company, but as her life beyond the company campus grows distant, a strange encounter with a colleague leaves her shaken and her role in the Circle becomes increasingly public.
Details the experiences of Abdulrahman Zeitoun, a Syrian-American and New Orleans resident, and his family, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and describes how he was arrested and falsely imprisoned because of his ethnicity.
A memoir in which the author discusses the unrelated deaths of his parents within a period of months, his newly acquired responsibility for his eight-year-old brother, and his creation of a satirical magazine. Also includes an appendix of corrections and clarifications by the author.