Discovering ancient technology

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Discovering the technology of the ancient Americas

"The Maya, Aztec, and Inca peoples developed highly advanced civilizations in the ancient Americas. Readers discover some of the many technological developments made by these groups as they expand their knowledge of both social studies and STEM concepts. Farming techniques, pyramid construction, and the creation of calendars are just some of the topics highlighted in the informative main text and sidebars that break down fun facts about the science, engineering, and math behind these technological achievements. Colorful photographs and illustrations are also included to help readers visualize this part of the ancient world"--Publisher's website.

Discovering the technology of ancient Egypt

"Pyramids, papyrus, and methods of preserving dead bodies are just some of the scientific and technological advancements the ancient Egyptians are known for. However, the scope of their STEM prowess extended far beyond those areas and into fields such as agriculture, transportation, and medicine as well. Readers explore the many ways ancient Egyptians applied what we now call STEM to their world in this cross-curricular learning experience that focuses on both history and technology. Detailed sidebars supplement the deeply engaging main text, and both photographs and illustrations are part of the eye-catching design"--Publisher's website.
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