David Pich?n

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El libro de David Pich?n

sobre c?mo tratar con gatos malos y conservar (casi) todas tus plumas de David Pich?n
"If you can read this, you obviously understand Pigeonese. You may read my book. If you're a cat and you've learnt Pigeonese... (HA, HA, HA! As if a cat would be smart enough to learn Pigeonese). This must mean if you are a cat and you are able to read this, you have taken a pigeon hostage so that you can trick them into translating the Pigeonese words into Meow. I demand you release the hostage pigeon now. My book contains TOP SECRET ideas that are NONE of a cat's business. Dave Pigeon is writing a book on how he defeated Mean Cat in order to help fellow pigeons everywhere. Cats beware!"--Provided by the publisher for the English edition.
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