Pap?'s magical water-jug clock / Trejo, Jes?s


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Pap?'s magical water-jug clock

Jes?s is helping his father with his job as a gardener, and his father puts him in charge of the magical water-jug clock that tells them how much work they have left to do. It's a hot summer day, and Jes?s makes sure he and his father are hydrated and gives some water to the thirsty pets at the houses they visit. When the water jug is empty, Jes?s thinks it's time to go home, but it's only 10:30 in the morning and they still have eleven houses to visit. His father explains that the water jug isn't really a magical clock, he was just trying to make the workday fun for Jes?s. They refill the jug, and Jes?s is careful not to waste the water they do have.
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