Heroes in training

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Zeus and the Thunderbolt of Doom

Ten-year-old Zeus, irritated that he keeps getting struck by lightning, discovers a magical thunderbolt embedded in a stone and embarks on the adventure of a lifetime when he is attacked by the Titans, who have been kidnapping other Olympian children with powers comparable to Zeus's.

Zeus and the Thunderbolt of Doom

Ten-year-old Zeus, irritated that he keeps getting struck by lightning, discovers a magical thunderbolt embedded in a stone and embarks on the adventure of a lifetime when he is attacked by the Titans, who have been kidnapping other Olympian children with powers comparable to Zeus's.

Hyperion and the great balls of fire

The Olympians are forced to play a sizzling "game" of Dodge the Sunbursts as Hyperion hurls giant fireballs that could fry them to pieces! Armed with some clues, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades set out to figure out why Hyperion has been making things so hot. They also need to rescue Hera, who is still missing. Battling the extreme heat--and some fantastical, scary creatures--the boys are off on another epic adventure ... and Zeus is one step closer to discovering his destiny.

Hades and the Helm of Darkness

Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are searching for the Helm of Darkness and their friend Hera in the Underworld.

Poseidon and the sea of fury

Zeus, Hera, and Poseidon continue on their quest to find a magical trident.


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