Separated @ birth

a true love story of twin sisters reunited

Imagine opening Facebook one day and finding a message that says "I think we might be twins." Which is exactly what happened to Samantha Futerman, a then twenty-five-year-old actress who was raised in New Jersey. Adopted from South Korea as an infant, Sam grew up with her parents and two American-born brothers. Until she was contacted by Anais Bordier, who grew up in France, she never imagined she had a sister. As Anais' identical face looked back at her from Facebook, she was stunned. A YouTube video of Samantha was what brought the two together. Anais, too, had been adopted as an infant from South Korea. As they talked, they realized they shared a sense of humor, giddy laughter, expressions, ideals, a need to sleep ten hours a night, and the same birth date. Although they grew up in different countries, they discovered that nothing can disrupt the unbreakable bond between sisters.



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