The chaos loop

"Ever since Corey Fletcher found out that he's the world's first "throwback," with the power to not only visit history,but change it, he's been spending as much time in the past as possible. Corey loves using his skills to fix problems and help his friends and family. But as Corey becomes more and more addicted to rewriting history, he learns that time travel might change him in ways he may never be able to reverse. Aware now that he can't keep going into the past forever, Corey decides to use the trips he still has to change history in the most meaningful way he can imagine: bystopping Adolf Hitler. But when Corey travels back to World War II-era Germany, he quickly learns that the forces of history are strong and that it's going to take a lot more than his good intentions to turn back the tides of evil--or even to survive them.

Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers
Cover image of The chaos loop


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