Ravenous things

Between his temper getting him in trouble at school and his mother becoming more and more withdrawn, things aren't going very well for twelve-year-old Reggie Wong. He wishes he had his dad to help him, but his dad died two years ago. So when he meets the Conductor who promises to give Reggie the chance to see this father one last time, Reggie jumps at the opportunity and climbs aboard the man's subway train, which leaves St. Patrick station at midnight. Onboard, he finds the train is filled with other children who have lost a loved one like him, including the preppy and quirky Chantal and Gareth, his archnemesis and bully since second grade. But when Reggie finally sees his father waiting for him at the end of the line, he discovers that everything is not what it seems, and Reggie and his unlikely new friends find themselves trapped in the subway tunnels beneath Toronto. Reggie, Chantal, and Gareth must work together to find a way to escape and to stop the Conductor from destroying the world as they know it.



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