Life skills for teens

how to cook, clean, manage money, fix your car, perform first aid, and just about everything in between

The teenage years are an exciting yet every changing period of your life. New challenges and tasks seem to pop up almost daily, not to mention all the changes your body is going through. As you get older and take on more responsibilities, you have probably often wondered how to do many of the adult tasks your parents or older siblings seem to breeze through daily. Everything from how to tell if the chicken in the fridge has gone bad to how to get rid of dandruff has likely crossed your mind, and you're not alone. The more you learn and the more new experiences you have, the more questions you'll have too. While a wonderful tool with a wealth of knowledge, the internet can be overwhelming to navigate at times. I mean, which of the thirteen articles about budgeting and saving money is actually accurate? And yes, you can ask your parents or other trusted adults in your life to teach you specific skills, but sometimes you just want to figure it out on your own. That's where this guide comes into play.



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