The animal adventurer's guide

how to prowl for an owl, make snail slime, and catch a frog bare-handed - 50 activities to get wild with animals

"With 50 interactive activities that include talking like a chickadee, learning to sniff like a snake, and making your own fossils-this is your guide to having fun-filled adventures that will bring you up close and personal with the wild creatures right outside your door. Learn how to: Hum to a snail and watch it peek out at you Turn your flashlight into a night vision light so you can spy on nocturnal animals Start your very own animal scat collection and impress your friends Catch a frog with your bare hands Build a wildlife blind and become invisible to the animals around you Find snake skins, insect skeletons, animal feeding signs, bird feathers, and more Create a wild guide to your own backyard Take handy field notes on the secret lives of animals Go on fun scavenger hunts for things like dens, fur, nests, and even poop (or scat)"--.

Roost Books


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