figures of speech

Topical Term
figures of speech

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth! (and other weird sayings)

Presents a collection of commonly used idioms and their meanings.

Seeing red or tickled pink

color terms in everyday language

Figures of speech

Uses cartoon-like drawings to represent such sayings as "Burning their bridges," "Sitting pretty," "To cut a long story short," and "I could just kick myself.".

Get your nose out of joint

and other medical expressions
Contains a collection of expressions about medical topics, and gives the history and meaning behind them.

At the eleventh hour

and other expressions about money and numbers
Contains a collection of expressions about money and numbers, and gives the history and meaning behind them.

Put on your thinking cap

and other expressions about school
Contains a collection of expressions about school topics, and gives the history and meaning behind them.

Stick out like a sore thumb

and other expressions about body parts
Contains a collection of expressions about body parts, and gives the history and meaning behind them.

Super silly sayings that are over your head

a children's illustrated book of idioms
Defines more than forty idioms using an illustration of the literal meaning next to an illustration of the actual idiomatic meaning and with explanatory text.

The unbelievable origins of snake oil and other idioms

Presents a discussion of twenty-eight sayings and phrases, with illustrations and examples such as "when pigs fly," "don't have a cow," and other common idioms from the English language.

The thrilling sources of push the envelope and other idioms

Presents a discussion of twenty-eight sayings and phrases, with illustrations and examples such as "rat race," "run-of-the-mill," "be there or be square," and other common idioms from the English language.


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