American girl

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Chrissa Maxwell moves to a new school in the middle of the year, and the girls in her fourth-grade class are decidedly unfriendly. On the advice of her grandmother, Chrissa tries first to be nice, and then to ignore the mean girls. But they just won't quit, and when the teasing turns into serious bullying, Chrissa must find the courage to stand strong and speak out.
Cover image of Chrissa

Good job, Kanani

In order to raise money to protect the Hawaiian monk seal, Kanani sells shave ice at the beach, where she meets Tutu Lani, an elderly neighbor, and discovers the seals aren't the only ones who need help.

Meet Molly, An American Girl

Molly schemes and dreams on the home front during World War Two.

A smart girl's guide to friendship troubles

dealing with fights, being left out & the whole popularity thing
A practical guide to maintaining good friendships and identifying toxic ones that explains how to handle and recover from fights, stop oneself from partaking in bad behaviors such as backstabbing and bullying, and find the right kinds of friends.


The Jazzman's Trumpet

Before Kit can write a news story about an upcoming sold-out jazz concert, sinister pranks threaten to cancel the show and Kit is falsely accused of stealing a valuable trumpet.

Mystery of the Dark Tower

In 1928, when her father tears her and her brother from their mother in North Carolina and takes them to live with aunts in Harlem, twelve-year-old Bessie is trapped in a strange place, especially after her father mysteriously disappears.

Kirsten saves the day

a summer story
Ten-year-old Kirsten is proud and excited when she finds a bee tree full of honey, one of the natural treasures of her Minnesota frontier world, but she exposes herself to great danger by trying to harvest the honey by herself.

The Jazzman's Trumpet

Before Kit can write a news story about an upcoming sold-out jazz concert, sinister pranks threaten to cancel the show and Kit is falsely accused of stealing a valuable trumpet.

Kirsten Learns a Lesson

After immigrating from Sweden to join relatives in an American prairie community, Kirsten endures the ordeal of a strange school through a secret friendship with an Indian girl.


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