American girl

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Changes for Kirsten

a winter story
A tough Minnesota winter brings many changes to Kirsten's frontier life, including the new responsibility of helping her brother Lars set his traps and a move into a new house for her family.

A Growing Suspicion

A Rebecca Mystery
Volunteering at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden in the early 1900s, Jewish cousins Rebecca and Ana must find the real culprit when they are unfairly blamed for a series of mishaps in the Japanese garden.

Lea Dive In

American Girl, girl of the year


American Girl, girl of the year

Grace makes it great

Ten-year-old Grace is crushed to learn that her grandparents' bakery might close after thirty years and wonders how her own business, which they inspired, can survive if theirs cannot, but she and her friends use their talents and newly-acquired business skills to try to save the day.

Meet Marie-Grace

an American girl
When Marie-Grace arrives in New Orleans in 1853, she is not sure she fits in, until an unexpected invitation opens the door to friendship.


an American girl
Samantha, an orphan who is being raised by her wealthy grandmother, puts aside the social norms of the day in order to befriend Nellie, a servant girl who lives next door.

An American girl

A girl moves to a new school and finds that she must deal with bullies and learn to stand up for herself and her friends.

Mystery of the Dark Tower

In 1928, when her father tears her and her brother from their mother in North Carolina and takes them to live with aunts in Harlem, twelve-year-old Bessie is trapped in a strange place, especially after her father mysteriously disappears.


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