Readers are introduced to the unique lives of a beloved marsupial, the kangaroo. Baby kangaroos are born and climb into their mothers pouch after just 33 days in utero. Using colorful photographs and fun fact boxes, readers learn bizarre information and use helpful graphic organizers to reinforce key information.
Explains how food chains link small organisms to large animals and describes a polar food web, which connects two food chains and includes animals such as fish, seals, and whales.
Conches are best known for their colorful, musical shells and for their meat. But, these mollusks are much more interesting and complicated than they seem. Conches are sea snails with eyestalks and feet. There are about 50 different species of conches. Lovely underwater photographs show conches in their natural habitats.
Readers learn how penguin families work together to feed their young and keep them warm. A helpful graphic organizer aids in reader understanding. Readers will enjoy detailed images of penguin species at home in the Antarctic with every turn of the page.
Introduces young readers to the physical characteristics, natural habitats, history and folklore of some of the animals they might see in cities and towns across the country. Includes colorful photos and fun facts.
A collection of illustrated poems for children that explore the dietary preferences of animals, describing the menus of turkey vultures, archer fish, baby wasps, and more.