
Topical Term


Looks at what a carnivore eats as well as how common features like tooth shape reflect an animal's diet.
Cover image of Carnivores

I am a giraffe

Facts about giraffes, illustrated with color photographs and written for beginning readers. Includes an appendix of more advanced giraffe facts to facilitate discussion, as well as an index of sight words for lesson planning.
Cover image of I am a giraffe

Rules at lunch

Text and color photographs explore lunchroom rules.
Cover image of Rules at lunch

Las serpientes de cascabel de bandas

En este libro, los lectores jo?venes aprendera? sobre serpientes de cascabel de madera.
Cover image of Las serpientes de cascabel de bandas

Catching a meal

Colorful photographs and text tell of the ways animals use to get food.
Cover image of Catching a meal

Poop and puke eaters of the animal world

"Discusses various organims throughout the world that consume feces and vomit as a part of their diets"--.
Cover image of Poop and puke eaters of the animal world

Garbage gorgers of the animal world

"Discusses various organisms throughout the world that consume garbage as a part of their diets"--.
Cover image of Garbage gorgers of the animal world

Native American foods and recipes

Discusses Native American cultures by focusing on their food and recipes.
Cover image of Native American foods and recipes

Shark attack!

"How do sharks find and attack their prey?" --.

What grassland animals eat =

Que comen los animales de las praderas?
Features prairie dogs, badgers, coyotes, and other animals and plants that live in a grassland habitat.


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