Syd, who is much more comfortable with animals than people, asks her friends for a tarot reading, then fears the dire predictions are coming true as her parents fight, her aging cat suffers, and her friendships are tested.
Meredith Martin, an American graduate student, travels to France while researching the life of Claude Debussy, but she is haunted by a tarot reading in Paris and discovers an ominous deck of cards and a piece of music tied to a great fire from a century ago said to have been caused by the summoning of a demon.
Syd, who is much more comfortable with animals than people, asks her friends for a tarot reading, then fears the dire predictions are coming true as her parents fight, her aging cat suffers, and her friendships are tested.
Thirteen-year-old Eve consults tarot cards to see if she will achieve her goal of being a famous singer one day, and in the meantime, decides to try out for the school musical.
After Andromeda Klein's tarot card readings prove to be accurate, she discovers clues to secret truths connected to her family and friends, but things become stranger when Andromeda's dead friend Daisy starts to harass her.
Thirteen-year-old Anna hopes that her newly inherited tarot cards will predict an exciting future, including becoming the girlfriend of eighth-grade hottie, Declan Kelso.