Sandburg, Carl

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The complete poems of Carl Sandburg

Includes Sandburg works published in: Chicago poems; Cornhuskers; Smoke and Steel; Slabs of the Sunburnt West; Good Morning, America; The people, yes; Honey and salt; Harvest Poems; Wind song; and, The Sandburg Range.

Abe Lincoln grows up

The story of Lincoln's boyhood, taken from the first part of "Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years.".

More Rootabaga stories

A selection of tales from Rootabaga Country peopled with such characters as the Huckabuck Family, Big Buff Banty Hen, Dippy the Wisp, and many others.

Abraham Lincoln

the prairie years and the war years

Rootabaga stories

Presents Sandburg's fanciful, humorous short stories peopled with such characters as the Potato Face Blind Man, the Blue Wind Boy, and many others.

Chicago poems

Presents American poet Carl Sandburg's 1916 collection of approximately 150 poems, including his famous works "Chicago" and "Fog.".

Harvest poems, 1910-1960

Contains poems selected from nine collections, published between 1910 and 1960, including thirteen works which have never before appeared in book form.

Rootabaga stories

A newly-illustrated edition of Sandburg's fanciful, humorous tales peopled with such characters as the Potato Face Blind Man, the Blue Wind Boy, and many others.

Billy Sunday and other poems

Collection of previously unpublished poems by American poet Carl Sandburg, rejected at the time of their writing for their raw language, bold attitude, and daring politics, expressing the author's views on a variety of topics including a swindling evangelist, the folly of war, and wife abuse.

Poems for the people

A selection of seventy-three poems, most of them never before published, written by Carl Sandburg during his early years in Chicago.


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