Sandburg, Carl

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Rootabaga stories

A collection of fanciful, humorous short stories introducing such characters as the Potato Face Blind Man, Henry Hagglyhoagly, the Blue Wind Boy, Googler and Gaggler, and others.

The wedding procession of the rag doll and the broom handle and who was in it

The rag doll and the broom handle marry and have a grand wedding procession that includes the Easy Ticklers, the Chubby Chubbs, and the Sleepyheads.

Not everyday an aurora borealis for your birthday

a love poem
With great difficulty a young man brings his sweetheart an aurora borealis for a birthday present to show his love for her.

Rootabaga stories

A selection of tales from Rootabaga Country peopled with such characters as the Potato Face Blind Man, the Blue Wind Boy, and many others.

Rootabaga stories, part one

A new edition of Sandburg's fanciful, humorous short stories peopled with such characters as the Potato Face Blind Man, the Blue Wind Boy, and many others.

More rootabagas

A selection of Sandburg's fanciful, humorous short stories peopled with such characters as the Potato Face Blind Man, Susan Slackentwist, and Dippy the Wisp.

Abraham Lincoln

the prairie years and the war years
A biography of Abraham Lincoln, written by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Carl Sandburg in the 1920s, covering the years Lincoln spent in the midwest as a country lawyer and prairie politician, and studying his presidency during the Civil War.

Selected poems

A selection of poems by twentieth-century American poet Carl Sandburg, drawn from collections published between 1916 and 1950.


A poem about numbers and their characteristics. Features anamorphic, or distorted, drawings which can be restored to normal by viewing from a particular angle or by viewing the image's reflection in the provided Mylar cone.

Poems for children nowhere near old enough to vote

A collection of previously unpublished poems by the well-known American poet, Carl Sandburg, about such familiar objects and ideas as the moon, manners, eyes, necks, pencils, and clouds.


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