Cupcake diaries

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Alexis the icing on the cupcake

The Cupcake Club is thrilled to serve their sweets at a huge party--but can Alexis get over her growing pains before she sees her crush?.
Cover image of Alexis the icing on the cupcake

Emma all stirred up!

Emma is tired of having to babysit her brother Jake, but when they have to go to the same summer camp, she has to watch him everyday on the bus and she feels like she cannot catch a break.
Cover image of Emma all stirred up!

Mia in the mix

When the Popular Girls Club takes interest in Mia's keen fashion sense and decide to recruit her, Mia has to decide between them and the Cupcake Club members.
Cover image of Mia in the mix

Alexis gets frosted

When Olivia, the new girl at school, says something nasty to Alexis in the hall way and has all the girls in the Best Friends Club teasing her, Alexis starts to wonder if Olivia misunderstood something she said.
Cover image of Alexis gets frosted

Mia's boiling point

Mia struggles to be nice to the new girl, Olivia Allen, after she makes pains to be nice and loans her some money only to discover that Olivia spends it to buy the exact same shoes for which Mia has been saving.
Cover image of Mia's boiling point

Mia's boiling point

Mia tries to make friends with Olivia, the new girl, but when Olivia makes fun of the other Cupcake Club girls and tells Mia she shouldn't hang out with them, Mia must make a decision about her new friendship.

Mia's baker's dozen

Although Mia feels fairly satisfied with her life, she worries about who should attend parent-teacher night and her failing grade in Spanish.

Mia a matter of taste

Worrying about her fashion prospects when she learns that she has to get both braces and glasses, Mia receives help from her stylish mom while embracing a chic new look for middle school and is reassured by her Cupcake Club friends that she is still the same old Mia.

Katie's new recipe

Katie must rely on her Cupcake Club friends to help her deal with the change presented by her mom's new boyfriend and unexpected communication from her long-lost dad.

Katie, batter up!

Katie starts to realize that doing what you love always makes the batter sweeter.


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