Cupcake diaries

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Emma, lights! camera! cupcakes!

Emma is hired to make cupcakes for Hollywood star Romaine Ford's movie and her wedding, but everything is top secret, and she cannot tell the rest of the club who they are for.

Emma all stirred up!

Emma is tired of having to babysit her brother Jake, but when they have to go to the same summer camp, she has to watch him everyday on the bus and she feels like she cannot catch a break.

Alexis gets frosted

When Olivia, the new girl at school, says something nasty to Alexis in the hallway and has all the girls in the Best Friends Club teasing her, Alexis starts to wonder if Olivia misunderstood something she said.

Alexis cupcake crush

"Aspiring to win the science fair with a project that proves that cupcakes are good for you, Alexis finds her ambitions challenged by her crush's association with another girl and a cupcake order for a mean girl's sweet sixteen."--OCLC.

Alexis cool as a cupcake

Alexis Becker, who handles the financial and organizational side of the Cupcake Club, decides to take a break from her responsibilities and really wants to ask Matt to be her date to the pep rally parade.

Emma's not-so-sweet dilemma

Emma, slightly injured after being accidentally hit with a football, loses the modeling job she was counting on to help pay for holiday gits, and the Cupcake Club must remind her that the best gifts come from the heart.

Mia measures up

"Mia is upset when her parents tell her she's too young to go to a concert without adult supervision. She's old enough to help run a cupcake business! Why can't her parents see that she's also responsible enough to do whatever she wants? And just when she's reached a compromise with her parents (her older brother Dan will go to the concert with her), Mia finds out she's being cyber-bullied on social media. It's the Cupcake Club to the rescue as they all help Mia solve her online bullying mystery!"

Alexis, the icing on the cupcake

Hired with the Cupcake Club to serve a huge order at a neighbor's outdoor party, Alexis, knowing that her crush will be in attendance, struggles to find just the right outfit when she discovers that she has reached an in-between size.

Mia fashion plates and cupcakes

Mia, who dreams of working in fashion someday, joins the fashion club at school, but wonders if she can manage being in two clubs at the same time or if she will have to choose between the Cupcake Club and the new fashion club.

Alexis and the missing ingredient

Alexis feels like a third wheel in her cupcake baking group while her bestfriend Emma is away.


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