DePietro, Frank

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Latino Americans and religion

Explores the history of Latino heritage and traces the experiences of Latino Americans as a whole. Examines how this people has maintained elements of its culture even when moving to the United States and includes color photographs, a timeline, and further reading sources.

Spain arrives in the Americas

Details the history of Spanish influence in the Americas. Examines how Hispanic culture has evolved over time and reveals how Hispanic influences are felt even today. Includes color photographs, a timeline, and further reading sources.

South American immigrants

Discusses the contributions to American culture by South American immigrants.

Mexican Americans

Discusses the contributions to American culture by Mexican Americans.

Latino migrant workers

Explores the contributions to American culture by Latino Americans who live as migrant workers, traveling the country and helping with the growing and harvesting of America's food supply.

Latino arts in the United States

Explores the contributions to American culture by Latino Americans in the realm of art, from poems and pottery to music and architecture.

Latino Americans and immigration laws

Explores the contributions to American culture by Latino Americans and the issue of immigration laws, as well as the history of Latino immigration to the United States.

Latino American cuisine

Explores the contributions to American culture by Latino Americans in the realm of cuisine, examining the history of Latino foods and their reception in American restaurant culture.

Cuban Americans

Details the history of Cuba during the twentieth century and discusses how Cuban immigrants to America have made a new home for themselves while maintaining elements of their culture. Includes color photographs, a timeline, and further reading sources.

Central American immigrants

Explores the cultural history of Central Americans and discusses how Central Americans are among the fastest growing minority within the larger minority of Hispanics in the United States. Examines how Central Americans are working to better their home countries as well as the United States.
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