education, elementary

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education, elementary

Phonics comics

A comic designed to help children improve their reading and phonics skills in which Will and Jill use Grandpa Ben's time machine to travel to past worlds and cultures.

Information investigation

exploring nonfiction with books kids love
A guide for teachers and parents of children in grades 3 through 6 that offers suggestions for increasing children's interest in informational books about a wide variety of topics.

Learning together through inquiry

from Columbus to integrated curriculum
Describes a collaborative project in which six K-5 teachers and their students built a curriculum based on student inquiry, studying such topics as Christopher Columbus, personal and family history, slavery, human rights, space, and nature.

Phonics comics

Presents three short stories featuring the Fearless Four designed to help young readers develop strong reading skills.

Digital citizenship in schools

nine elements all students should know
Students today have always had technology in their lives, so many teachers assume their students are competent tech users ? more competent, in fact, than themselves. In reality, not all students are as tech savvy as teachers might assume, and not all teachers are as incompetent as they fear. Even when students are comfortable using technology, they may not be using it appropriately. Likewise, educators of all skill levels may not understand how to use technology effectively. Both students and teachers need to become members of a digital citizenry. In this essential exploration of digital citizenship, Mike Ribble provides a framework for asking what we should be doing with respect to technology so we can become productive and responsible users of digital technologies [From back cover].

Managing the digital classroom

dozens of awesome teacher-tested ideas that help you manage and make the most of every digital tool in your classroom
Provides strategies, lesson ideas, and management tips for using technology in the classroom, covering whiteboards, digital cameras, tablets, social media and online communication.


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