Presents a comprehensive study of the history, culture, and people of Indonesia from its early development around 5,000 BCE, and discusses the many ethnic groups and languages, the Sukarno and Soeharto Eras, independence, and more.
culturally authentic foods including low-fat and vegetarian recipes
Cornell, Kari A
Presents recipes for traditional Indonesian soups and appetizers, salads and side dishes, main dishes, desserts, and holiday and festival foods, and includes an introduction to Indonesia, as well as menu suggestions and cooking tips.
A color-illustrated, region-by-region traveler's guide to Indonesia that covers its history and culture and provides detailed travel tips including sight-seeing and activity suggestions, price ranges, and contact information for specific places.
Describes Indonesia's history, landscape, plants, animals, people, city and country life, schools, languages, work, food, pastimes, and holidays, and presents lists of facts and local words and phrases.