Offers adolescents and teens an overview of the issues surrounding tobacco, discussing the different forms of tobacco, how they affect the body, the laws related to tobacco use, and the dangers of smoking.
Presents a comprehensive guide to smoking-related health issues in adolescents and examines some of the reasons why teens smoke, the consequences of using tobacco, along with statistics and case studies.
an encyclopedia of horses and a comprehensive guide to horse and pony care
Draper, Judith
Presents color-illustrated profiles of horse breeds from around the world, and provides information on horse and pony care, including advice on how to buy and keep a horse, equipment, and grooming.
Presents short stories in which adventurers find themselves on the brink of death from hypothermia, drowning, mountain sickness, avalanche, scurvy, heatstroke, falling, predators, the bends, cerebral malaria, and dehydration.
An analysis of internal documents mailed anonymously to Professor Stanton Glantz at the University of California, detailing the activities of tobacco company Brown and Williamson over the course of thirty years, and revealing their awareness of the addictiveness of nicotine and the harmful properties of their product.
Contains over thirty essays in which various authors present opposing viewpoints on issues related to pollution, discussing whether pollution is a serious problem, the health risks associated with chemical pollutants, recycling, air pollution reduction, and pollution management.