health aspects

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health aspects

Catch of the day

choosing seafood for healthier oceans
"At a time when international treaties, restrictive quotas, and global regulation of fleets have proven ineffective in protecting beleaguered fish populations, a surprising ally is emerging to tackle the growing fisheries crisis. Buyers of seafood--including individual consumers, school cafeterias, supermarket chains, and large food processors--are choosing to avoid threatened or problematic species in favor of fish that are caught or raised with less impact on the world's oceans. While some seafood lovers are concerned about guaranteeing the future availability of popular fish, others wish to preserve the quality of today's seafood by knowing more about how and where it is caught. As more of our daily food options originate in factories, fish remains the last wild food we consume in large quantities and one of our few remaining direct connections to the natural world" -- summary (p.5).

Death by supermarket

the fattening, dumbing down, and poisoning of America

Animal factory

the looming threat of industrial pig, dairy, and poultry farms to humans and the environment
Discusses the environmental and human health problems caused by factory farms within the livestock industry and reveals the impact of animal farms--concentrated animal feeding operations for pigs, dairy cattle, and chickens--on three families and communities.

Junk food

Collects fourteen articles that provide information about junk food, discussing how perceptions of junk food are altered by the food industry, if it is addictive, whether it should be taxed, government regulation, flaws in the National School Lunch Program, and other related topics.

Health and disease

Explores how global warming has impacted human health and the spread of disease and discusses measures that can be taken to lessen the effects of global warming.


the truth about cell phone radiation, what the industry has done to hide it, and how to protect your family
A controversial report on the alleged link between cell phone use and brain damage in children argues that cell phone radiation has reached emergency levels and is directly related to such health problems as Alzheimer's, infertility, and cancer.

Global environmental change

the threat to human health

UNFPA State of world population 2009

Facing a changing world: women, population and climate
The report explores the critical connections among population dynamics, reproductive health, women's lives and climate change as they relate to greenhouse gas emissions and societies' resillence to the impact of climate change. The report describes what can be done to slow down-and possibly roll back--climate change and what must be done to help the poor adapt to the climate change that is already under way.--from introductory letter presented by UNFPA and the Worldwatch Institute.

Last breath

cautionary tales from the limits of human endurance
Presents short stories in which adventurers find themselves on the brink of death from hypothermia, drowning, mountain sickness, avalanche, scurvy, heatstroke, falling, predators, the bends, cerebral malaria, and dehydration.

Poisoned profits

the toxic assault on our children
Analyzes the connection between the increased use and prevalence of chemical toxins throughout twenty-first-century society and the number of childhood cases of disease and death.


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