health aspects

Topical Term
health aspects

Healing through exercise

scientifically proven ways to prevent and overcome illness and lengthen your life
Discusses the short- and long-term benefits of regular exercise, which includes preventing and helping to treat existing illnesses.

The big necessity

the unmentionable world of human waste and why it matters
Describes ways that societies all over the world deal--and do not deal--with human waste, and covers the sewers of Paris, London, and New York City; examines the public toilets in India, China's biogas digesters, third world sanitation movements, the U.S. military laser elimination methods, and more.


the inside story of its role in the September 11th aftermath
Paul J. Lioy, an American environmental scientist, discusses the dust that was released from the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, describing his scientific findings and the environmental impact of the dust, the government focus on asbestos, and suggestions to prepare for future incidents.


Examines the controversy over the use of pesticides and discusses the effects of this use on agriculture, health, and the environment.

Dead on their feet

teen sleep deprivation and its consequences
Presents a comprehensive guide for teens on the consequences connected with sleep deprivation and discusses its causes and how it can be avoided, its medical and emotional affects, and provides statistics and scientific data.


Essays from various perspectives help students understand the dangers of teenage smoking, the methods used by the tobacco industry to encourage smoking, and the effectiveness of anti-smoking campaigns.

Tobacco information for teens

health tips about the hazards of using cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and other nicotine products
Provides basic consumer health information for teens on tobacco use, addictions, and related diseases and medical conditions. Includes a chronology of significant developments related to smoking and health and a list of additional resources.

Air quality

Presents an examination of the issues related to air quality, providing a collection of essays that discuss the challenges of keeping air safe and clean, with information on pollution sources and their effects on health and environment.

The anatomy of hope

how people prevail in the face of illness
The author shares what he has learned about hope caring for patients with cancer, blood diseases, HIV, and hepatitis C, and discusses his personal experience with hope which led him to investigate whether there is a scientific basis for believing hope contributes to recovery.

High tech trash

digital devices, hidden toxics, and human health
Discusses dangers posed by the toxic materials used in the production of electronics and released when electronics are recycled, describes Europe's regulation of digital device materials and their recycling, and explores what the U.S. can do to protect people and the environment from these contaminants.


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