pen pals

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pen pals

Because you'll never meet me

Ollie, who has seizures when near electricity, lives in a backwoods cabin with his mother and rarely sees other people, and Moritz, born with no eyes and a heart defect that requires a pacemaker, is bullied at his high school, but when a physician who knows both suggests they begin corresponding, they form a strong bond that may get them through dark times.
Cover image of Because you'll never meet me

Same, same, but different

Pen pals Elliott and Kailash discover that even though they live in different countries--America and India--they both love to climb trees, own pets, and ride school buses.

The readers of Broken Wheel recommend

"Broken Wheel, Iowa, has never seen anyone like Sara, who traveled all the way from Sweden just to meet her pen pal, Amy. When she arrives, however, she finds that Amy's funeral has just ended. Luckily, the townspeople are happy to look after their bewildered tourist--even if they don't understand her peculiar need for books. Marooned in a farm town that's almost beyond repair, Sara starts a bookstore in honor of her friend's memory. All she wants is to share the books she loves with the citizens of Broken Wheel and to convince them that reading is one of the great joys of life.But she makes some unconventional choices that could force alot of secrets into the open and change things for everyone in town"--Provided by publisher.

Pen pals

"For an entire school year, Oscar the ant and Bill the octopus send letters to each other as part of a class project. Oscar loves table tennis and Bill loves modeling clay. Oscar does judo, while Bill has a garden. Despite their differences, the two new friends find shared interests...all leading up to one final surprise!"--Jacket flap.

Olive spins a tale

(and it's a doozy!)
When Olive makes up a story about a trip to Paris to impress her New York pen pal Molly, the lies quickly get out of hand, and threaten their long distance friendship.

Olive finds treasure

(of the most precious kind)
Pen pals Molly and Olive consider themselves best friends even though they have never actually met because Molly lives in New York City and Olive lives on a farm in Iowa, but when Olive finds a diamond bracelet in the grass the two girls start to wonder if they can finally get the money for one of them to visit the other.

Molly meets trouble (whose real name is Jenna)

Pen pals Molly and Olive are both having relationship problems in their third grade classes, Molly is struggling with Jenna, a new girl, who seems to think that name calling is a way to fit in, and Olive has joined a gymnastics team which is putting a strain on her friendship with Emma, whom she has know for years.

Molly discovers magic

(then wants to un-discover it)
After a string of incredibly good luck, Molly decides that she has developed magical powers, but when she finds out that her pen pal Olive has had an equally surprising run of minor disasters Molly starts to wonder if her magical good luck is somehow responsible for her friend's problems.


Sincerely, Sophie & Sincerely, Katie
Brought together as pen pals by a school assignment, Sophie and Katie, eleven-year-olds living on opposite sides of the country, find comfort in their growing relationship when problems at home and at school disrupt their lives.

This is my country

Will's class is researching countries, and each student gets a pen pal from another country. Will's pen pal writes from Morocco about what makes his country special. With the help of his mom, Will writes back and learns more about the United States, all while making a new friend.


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