pen pals

Topical Term
pen pals

Extra credit

As letters flow back and forth--between the prairies of Illinois and the mountains of Afghanistan, across cultural and religious divides--sixth-grader Abby, ten-year-old Amira, and eleven-year-old Sadeed begin to speak and listen to each other.

Earth to Clunk

For a school assignment, a boy reluctantly writes a letter to Clunk of the planet Quazar, sending his older sister with it, but as more letters and packages are exchanged, he realizes that having an alien pen pal can be fun.

Dear pirate, the buried treasure mystery

A pen pal pirates writes Peter Post and invites him and his sister to Key West where they encounter pirates of all sorts.

Letters from the past

While visiting her great-grandmother, young Jessica finds letters written many years ago by a pen pal who survived the Titanic disaster.

Pen pals

Her excitement at having a pen pal quickly turns to disappointment when Daisy, a second-grader, receives some unwelcome news about this new "friend.".

Pen pals

Describes the advantages of having a pen pal and explains how to go about it.

The milk of birds

When a nonprofit organization called Save the Girls pairs a fourteen-year-old Sudanese refugee with an American teenager from Richmond, Virginia, the pen pals teach each other compassion and share a bond that bridges two continents.

Palms to the ground

The only child of an over-protective mother and a well-meaning father, and in therapy since the age of seven, eighth-grader Calman Pulowitz spends two weeks with his pen pal in Washington State, getting drunk, running away, and learning a lot about himself.

Arthur and the pen-pal playoff

After bragging to his pen pal about his basketball skills, Arthur realizes that he has to make good on his boasts when the pen pal comes to visit.

Four truths and a lie

Eighth-grader Scarlett Northon is sent to a prestigious all-girls school, where she struggles to hide a secret that could change her life forever and deal with a mysterious pen pal who shows Scarlett her secret may not be as safe as she had hoped.


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