Applegate, Katherine

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Entertain the end

[Shajaratu al-?m?n?]

An old red oak tree tells how he and his crow friend, Bongo, help their human neighbors get along after a threat against an immigrant family is carved into the tree's trunk.

Making Out--Book 1


"A story about a homeless boy and his imaginary friend that proves in unexpected ways that friends matter, whether real or imaginary"--OCLC.
Cover image of Crenshaw

Sharing Sam

Cover image of Sharing Sam


the remarkable true story of the shopping mall gorilla
"The true story of Ivan, known as the Shopping Mall Gorilla, who lived alone in a small cage for almost 30 years before being relocated to the gorilla habitat at ZooAtlanta"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Ivan

Never walk in shoes that talk

Having gotten a pair of hard-to-find Walkie Talkie shoes, Roscoe is suddenly popular and wants his best friend, Gus, to join the fun, but before Gus's parents will buy him new shoes, he must wear out his long-lasting sneakers.
Cover image of Never walk in shoes that talk

The Ellimist chronicles

The story of Ellimist, a being who can alter space and time in unexpected ways.

The revelation

Marco is determined to save his father from the Yeerks.

The message

Cassie believes her strange dreams are just a side effect of having been given the alien power to morph into an animal, but when she learns that Tobias has been having the same dreams about the ocean, they realize someone is issuing a call for help.


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