Applegate, Katherine

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The message

Cassie and her friends have been having nightmares ever since they acquired the power to morph. But when Cassie discovers that Tobias has been having dreams too -- the exact same dreams -- about the ocean, and a voice that's calling to them for help, she decides it's time to start listening.

The encounter

When Tobias and his friends were given the power to morph, they were also given an important warning: Never stay in a morph for more than two hours. But Tobias broke the time limit, and now he's trapped in the body of a hawk forever.

The visitor

Rachel and her friends have been given the power to morph into any animal they touch. So when Rachel starts to suspect that one of her school friends has fallen into the control of the evil Years, she knows just the way to find out the truth.

The invasion

When Jake, Rachel, Tobias, Cassie, and Marco stumble upon a downed alien spaceship and its dying pilot, they're given an incredible power -- they can transform into any animal they touch. With it, they become Animorphs, the unlikely champions in a secret war for the planet.

The stranger

Rachel and the other Animorphs have finally found the new entrance to the Yeerk pool and have figured out how to sneak in. But things get complicated, particularly when they get a chance to decide if they want to stay on Earth or go to another planet.

The stranger

Rachel and her fellow Animorphs believe they have a real chance at defeating the Yeerks when they discover the location of the alien regeneration pool, but their plans are disrupted by an all-powerful Ellimist who offers them an opportunity to go live on another planet.

The one and only Ivan

When Ivan, a gorilla who has lived for years in a down-and-out circus-themed mall, meets Ruby, a baby elephant that has been added to the mall, he decides that he must find her a better life.

El depredador

Marco, having been given the ability--along with four other friends--to change into animals forms by an alien that wants help in stopping an invasion of the enemy Yeerks, is at first reluctant to become involved, but when he discovers that his mom, who he believed was dead, has been taken over by the Yeerks, he finds a reason to fight.


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