food consumption

Topical Term
food consumption

My zero-waste kitchen

Become a zero-waste hero with these smart and simple ideas to shop, plan, cook, and eat waste free. Use ingredients from top to bottom - salvage stale bread to thicken soups, and elevate eggshells to a protein-packed smoothie. Grow-it, don't throw it - give lettuce cores and potato peels a second life, and love your leftovers with tasty ideas for using up cooked potato, pasta, and rice. Give 3 zero-waste twists to 10 classic recipes - pump up pesto with carrot tops, or bake a cake with banana peels. Get creative in your waste-free kitchen and say goodbye to your garbage can.--COVER.

Feeding a hungry world

Explores issues concerning the world's population growth and the possibility of food shortages in the near future.

Food waste

Discusses problems associated with food waste and provides suggestions for ways children can reduce, reuse, and recycle in order to help solve them.

Critical food issues

problems and state-of-the-art solutions worldwide
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