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how a contagious rash changed history
"Explores the history and impact of measles"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Measles

Innovators dealing with natural disasters

Readers discover the amazing stories behind these innovators and the ways they're using science, technology, engineering, and math skills to save lives.
Cover image of Innovators dealing with natural disasters

The someday suitcase

"Clover and Danny are the kind of best friends who make each other even better. They're so important to each other that Clover believes they're symbiotic: her favorite science word, which describes two beings who can't function without the other. But when Danny comes down with a mysterious illness that won't go away, the doctors can't figure out what's wrong with him. So Clover decides to take matters into her own hands by making lists--lists of Danny's symptoms, his good days, his bad days. As the evidence piles up, only one thing becomes clear: Danny is only better when Clover is around. Suddenly it feels like time is running out for Clover and Danny to do everything they've planned together--to finally see snow, to go on a trip with the suitcase they picked out together. Will science be able to save Danny, or is this the one time when magic can overcome the unthinkable?"--Amazon.com.
Cover image of The someday suitcase

Wilder girls

Friends Hetty, Byatt, and Reece go to extremes trying to uncover the dark truth about the mysterious disease that has had them quarantined at their boarding school on a Maine island.
Cover image of Wilder girls

Fighting malaria

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites and spread by mosquitoes. Especially dangerous to children, it's the cause of 1 million deaths annually. This thought-provoking book answers questions including what it's like to contract malaria, the efforts and goals of medical and scientific community to both prevent and treat the disease.
Cover image of Fighting malaria

South America

The country of South America has a rich and interesting history that has contributed to its current human rights status.
Cover image of South America


Explores the complex and fascinating world of diseases, including how they are passed from one person to another, the ways in which the human body can malfunction and what doctors can do to fix it.
Cover image of Diseases

The hunted

After surviving the earthquake and tsunami, Shy manages to make it back to land but he is far from safe because a secret his cruise ship co-worker, Addie, shared with him is one that people have killed for, and now that Shy knows, he has become a moving target.
Cover image of The hunted

Los vivientes

"After an earthquake destroys California and a tsunami wrecks the luxury cruise ship where he is a summer employee, high schooler Shy confronts another deadly surprise"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Los vivientes

Los perseguidos

After surviving the earthquake and tsunami, Shy manages to make it back to land but he is far from safe because a secret his cruise ship co-worker, Addie, shared with him is one that people have killed for, and now that Shy knows, he has become a moving target.
Cover image of Los perseguidos


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