
Topical Term

The Gale encyclopedia of genetic disorders

Presents nearly four hundred articles describing genetic disorders, conditions, tests, and treatments, including high-profile diseases such as Alzheimer's, breast cancer, and heart disease.
Cover image of The Gale encyclopedia of genetic disorders

What's it really like to be a doctor?

Readers will discover what it might feel like to help save someone's life, and they'll also learn about the challenges many doctors face.

The Gale encyclopedia of genetic disorders

Alphabetical articles provide information on genetic disorders, including conditions, tests, procedures, treatments, and therapies.

Crohn?s disease and other digestive disorders

This book explains a variety of digestive system diseases and the profound impact they can have on the daily lives of people who cope with them.

Sensory issues and high-functioning autism spectrum and related disorders

practical solutions for making sense of the world
This book explains how many children with high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) relate to the world through their senses. The book reviews sensory integration terminology and a discussion of how the sensory systems impact behavior. It also takes an in-depth look at sensory issues associated with ASD. Assessment tools can assist children in pinpointing sensory characteristics. Intervention strategies and case studies are also outlined--Publisher.

The encyclopedia of children's health and wellness

A two volume set in which more than six hundred alphabetically arranged entries offer a detailed overview of the key aspects of childhood health from infancy to age 18.

Bat hospital

Discusses the work and challenges that face the "Tolga Bat Hospital" in a remote part of Queensland, Australia.

Coping with sexually transmitted diseases

"Young people have the highest rate for contracting a sexually transmitted disease or STD for any age group. According to the Center for Disease Control, roughly half of the 19.7 million cases per year represent patients between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four. A positive diagnosis for an STD can be scary and result in loneliness and uncertainty. However, STDs are common and can be treated or managed with medical help. Readers will learn how to cope with an STD and gain peace of mind by exploring the testing process, helpful treatments, sexual health education, and more"--Amazon.

Coping with tick-borne diseases

Explains the history of tick-borne diseases and how they are treated.

What is a pandemic?

Readers learn about pandemics, which develop when a disease spreads across a country, continent, or around the world.
Cover image of What is a pandemic?


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