imaginary places

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imaginary places

The caretaker's guide to Fablehaven

An encyclopedia of the creatures, characters, artifacts, items, and places found in the Fablehaven series.


the Kaos trap
"During a tour of the academy, Kaos removes his disguise and attacks! Tessa, Cali, and the newly found Flynn rush back to the school. Will they be able to help the students?"--Provided by publisher.


Sasha returns to Aurora, the parallel universe of generals, princesses, body doubles, and the boy she loves, Thomas, where she tries to help and find missing people and save them all. Now that she knows parallel worlds are real, and than an alternate version of herself exists in a world called Aurora, Sasha's old life no longer seems to make sense...and her heart breaks daily for Thomas, the boy she left behind. Troubled by echoes of a self she was just beginning to discover, Sasha makes the difficult decision to journey once more through the tandem. Waiting on the other side is Selene, Sasha's analog from a third universe. They have a joint destiny - if Sasha is willing to turn her back on love.

The truth is a cave in the Black Mountains

a tale of travel and darkness with pictures of all kinds
"Illustrated by artist Eddie Campbell, this is a four-color edition of Neil Gaiman's award-winning novelette "The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains" -- a story of family, the otherworld, and retribution"--Provided by publisher.

Rogue Knight

When the hunt for his lost friends leads Cole Randolph to the kingdom of Elloweer, he and new friends Mira, Twitch, and Jace team up with the resistance movement to search for Mira's sister, Honor, but enemies abound and Cole and Mira must use a new kind of magic to protect themselves.


Seventeen-year-old Toby McGonigal finds himself separated from his family and lost in space, but when he falls asleep he wakes up 14,000 years later on a planet ruled by the Lockstep Empire, a civilization founded by his family and kept alive by hibernation.

The paper sword

Teenage Xemion is forced to leave his home on the spell-crossed Phaer Isle, after it is discovered that he has illegally fashioned a sword out of a stick and mastered the use of it.

Lightning Rod faces the Cyclops Queen

Lightning Rod travels beyond the Sea of Storms for an appointment with the Cyclops Queen.

The dictionary of imaginary places

Contains over 1,200 alphabetically arranged essays that provide information about the history and inhabitants of make-believe realms invented by storytellers from ancient times through the late twentieth century, including Shangri-La, Xanadu, Jurassic Park, and Neverwhere.

The world of ice & fire

the untold history of Westeros and the Game of Thrones
"This is the comprehensive guide to all things Game of Thrones and beyond. From the prehistory to the coming of the First Men, through the reign of the Targaryen kings and Robert's Rebellion, this guide--co-written by George R.R. Martin and the immensely knowledgeable founders and keepers of the site--will tell series readers old and new all they might want to know about the history and culture of Westeros and the lands beyond the Narrow Sea--a tapestry of all new history that George has invented solely for this volume"--.


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