A Start to finish book

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From grain to bread

Highlights the step-by-step process of planting wheat seeds, harvesting the crop, grinding wheat into flour, and baking bread.

From cow to shoe

Follows a cow hide from the tannery where it is soaked, scraped, stretched, and sometimes dyed to the shoe factory where it is cut and stitched together to make shoes.

From wood to paper

Describes the individual steps taken in making wood into paper and what happens to the finished product.

From ice to rain

Describes the cycle in which ice on the pond melts into water, which in turn evaporates into water vapor, which collects into clouds, which produce rain and snow.

From cement to bridge

Follows limestone from the quarry to the factory where it eventually is formed into cement and ultimately becomes concrete and is made into a bridge.

From beet to sugar

Highlights the step-by-step process of extracting sugar from sugar beets.

From cotton to pants

Traces the journey of cotton from the plants, through the cotton gin and the spinning mill where it is made into thread, to the loom where it is woven into cloth, and finally to the clothing factory where it is sewn into pants.

From clay to bricks

Highlights the step-by-step process of digging clay and forming it into bricks.

From cacao bean to chocolate

Follows the cacao bean from the tropical trees on which they grow to the factories where they are roasted, skinned, and ground to make cocoa butter, the major ingredient in chocolate products.

From lemon to lemonade

Text and illustrations describe how commercial lemonade is made and bottled in factories and shipped to stores and restaurants.


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