Covering the period in U.S. history from 1783 to 1869, this book tells of the building of the Erie Canal, the U.S.-Mexican War, the Mormon migration, gold discoveries in the West, and more.
Discusses colonial America's need for a route to the west, how the Wilderness Road developed, early explorers and settlements along its path, and the impact it had on western expansion.
Presents seventeen primary documents, such as journal entries and newspaper articles, from the westward expansion period of the U.S., 1763-1890; also contains a time line and a glossary.
An encyclopedia containing over six hundred articles that cover the events leading up to and following the Mexican War and its impact on the United States and Mexico.
Presents a short study of Canadian expansion between 1867 and 1909, and examines the birth of the western provinces, the Canadian Pacific Railway, Kondike Gold Rush, and much more.